AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)


Makka was covered by a heavy blanket of darkness. No sign of  life and activity could be observed in it.Only the moon slowly emerged from behind the darkened surrounding mountains and cast its pale, delicate rays upon the simple, austere houses and upon the sandy regions outside the city.

“It was now early dawn and early rising, vigilant night birds were singing beautifully in that heavenly weather. They seemed to be speaking in a romantic language to their beloved! The horizon was on the verge of  brightness of dawn but still a mysterious silence prevailed over the city. All were asleep. Only Amina was awake, feeling the contractions she had been expecting.Gradually the contractions became stronger.Suddenly Amina saw several unknown women in her room. The room was filled with light and there was fragrance in the air. She wondered who they were and how they had entered her room through closed door; A glance of the life of Holy Prophet of Islam, p.20

Soon he baby was born, and thus after several months of waiting, Amina had the pleasure of seeing her child in the early dawn of the 17th Rabi-ul-Awwal. (As reprted in Biharul Anwar, some other dates are reported above).

All were overjoyed with the child’s birth.But when Mohammad (SAW) illuminated Amina’s dark and silent room of prayer, her young Abdullah, was not present.

The Prophet was born and his blessed birth gave rise to numerous wonderful incidents in the sky and on the earth, especially in the East, the cradle of civilisation.

News of these event spread quickly and informed the people of an imminent, very significant incident. Since this newly born child was predistined to destroy the people’s old surperstitious beliefs and customs and to lay new foundations for human progress and propserity, from the very beginning he sounded the reveille.

On that blessed night, the Persian monarch Anushiravan’s magnifciant place, which incarnated a false fantasy of  power and eternal monarchy and upon which people looked with fear and awe, trembled. Fourteen of its turrets collapsed, and the fire in the fire-temple of Persia, which had been flaming for 1000 years, was sudenly extinguished. Ibid. pp 258-263.

So the humiliated worshippers of that false, destructive object of worship, whose minds had been blocked by the obstacles of prejudice and false imitation and who thus could not reflect upon nature took notice of the truth and were attracted toward a totally different direction. The drying out of the Savah lake awakened the people of another great region.


For many centuries it had been customary among the Arabs to give their new born children to women from the tribes around the city to be wet-nursed. This was done so that their children would grow up in the fresh air and natural environment of the desert and also learn the eloquent Arabic dilect whose purest form was to be found at that time in the desert.

For the reason and since Amina had no milk to feed her child, Abdul-Muttalib, his grand father and guardian, felt it necessary to employ an honourable, trustworthy lady to look after the child of  his dear son, Abdullah. After making appropriate enquiries, he selected Halima, who was from Bani Sa’d tribe (a tribe  famous for bravery and eloquence) and who was rated among the most chaste, noble women. Halima took the infant to her own tribe and looked after him as though he were her own child. The Bani Sa’d tribe had long been suffering from famine in the desert. The dry desert and lack of rain had added much to their poverty and misery. But from the very day he entered Halima’s house, good fortune and blessings entered with him. Her life, which had been filled with powerty and destitution, suddenly changed into happy and properous one. The pale faces of Halima and her children became rosy and full of  life. Her dry breasts swelled with milk, and the pasture of the sheep and camels of  that region turned fresh and green, whereas before he came  to their tribe, people lived in poverty and faced many difficulties.

He grew up more rapidly than other children, ran more nimbly and did not stammer like them. Good fortune and auspiciousness so accompanied him that all the people of around him easily realised this fact and admitted it. Halima’s husband, Harith, told her, ”Do you know what a blessed baby we have been given” : A glance of the Life of Holy Prophet,  pp.21-22.


The Prophet (SAW) was just six years old when his mother, Amina, left Makka for Madina to vist her relatives and probably to pay respectful visit to her husband’s grave. He accompanied his mother on that trip. But after visiting her relatives and expressing love and loyalty to her husband at Abdullah’s graveside, on her way back to Makka, Amina passed away at a place name Abwa. Thus, the prophet (SAW) had lost both his mother and father by that tender age when every child  needs a father’s affection and mother’s embrace.. Ibid page 22.


Just as the Prophet’s (SAW) birth and the events that followed his blessed birth were extra ordinary and suggestive of his majesty and supreme character, so his behaviour and manner of speaking in childhood also made him different from other children. Abdul Mattalib realised this fact and respected his majesty greatly.

Abu Talib, the Prophet’s (SAW) uncle used to say, ’We have never heard any lies from Mohammad (SAW), nor have we seen him misconduct himself or make mischief. He never laughs unduly nor speaks idly and he is mostly alone.

The Prophet (SAW) was seven years old when a Jew remarked, ’In our books we have read that the Prophet of  Islam (SAW) refrains from eating any food which is religiously prohibited or doubtful. Let’s try him’. So they stole a hen and sent it to Abu Talib. Not knowing that the hen had been stolen, all ate from the cooked hen but Mohammad (SAW), who avoided even tasting. When they asked the reason for this avoidance of the food, he answered, ’This food is forbidden by God, and God protects me against anything that He has forbiden. Then the Jews took a hen from a neighbour, intending to pay for it later on, and sent it to Abu Talib’s house. Again he avoided eating the hen, saying, ’This food is doubtful and then the Jews said, ’The child has an extraordinary character and supreme position. Ibid. p.23


Muhammad (SAW) went through the difficulties of orphanhood in his childhood with the support of his high-spirited grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, and his affectionate uncle, Abu Talib. It seems that the heart-rendering pains of orphanhood must have severely tormented his pure delicate soul.

As time went on, Mohammad (SAW) grew up and his childhood gave place to youth, when instincts and potentials bloom. Although he was deprived of mother’s care and father’s affection,  he received affectionate care and attention from Abu Talib, who, due to his moral attitude and in obedience to his father’s emphatic order, protected and supported him. In fact, Mohammad (SAW) represented three things to Abu Talib : a son, a reminder of  his father, Abdullah, and of his father, Abdul Muttalib. So the Prophet (SAW) became a beloved member of  Abu Talib’s family lived in his house and was treated as his own son. To the Prophet (SAW), Abu Talib was an affectionate father, a loyal uncle and a compassionate perceptor.


One day the Qurash Caravan was nearing Basra, Bahira, a devout monk, caught sight of it through his monastry’s window. He observed that Caravan shaded by a little cloud that kept pace with it. Bahira came out of the monastry, stood in a corner and instructed his ervant, ’Go and tell them that today they are all my guests’.

All came to him but the Prophet (SAW), who was standing beside the property and equipment of the caravan. Seeing that the cloud has ceased to move. Bahira asked his guests, ’Are all the members of caravan present here’?  They answered, ’All but a youth who is youngest’,  Bahira said, ’Tell him to come as well’. So he was asked to come to the monk’s room. The keen eyes of Bahira noticed that cloud over his head moved with him. Taken by surprise, Bahira kept staring at the young boy. When the meal was over, the pious monk told him, ’I have a question to ask you and you must swear by Lat and Uzza to answer my question’.

Mohammad (SAW) said, ’These two you have asked me to swear by are the most detestable things to me’. Bahira said, ’Swear by Allah to answear my question’.

He said, ’Ask your question’.

After a short interview with him, Bahira knelt down before him and started kissing his hands and feet, saying, ’If I live till you start your divine mission, I will most faithfully aid you and fight your enemies. You are superior of  all Adam’s offsprings”. He further said that he is predestined to become a Prophet, and the angel of inspiration will come down and make divine revealations to him’. Ibid  pp.25-26.


Although Abu Talib was rated as a man of status among the Quraysh, his income was not sufficient to support his family. Now that Mohammad (SAW) was of mature age, he was naturally inclined to find a job to ease the heavy burden upon his uncle’s shoulders. But what kind of  job should  he engage in to suit his supreme character?.

Since he was destined to become a great Prophet and sublime leader,  to face unrestrained obstinate people, to fight against the superstitious beliefs and wrong customs of  the period of ignorance, and to lay the foundations of the magnificent palace of justice and proper laws and regulations, he found hit expedient to become a herdsman.

Indeed, during this period, he acquired many superior human characterstics such as generosity, good temper, magnanimity, good behaviour towards neighbours, tolerance, truthfulness, trustworthiness and avoidance of vices. He became known ‘Muhammad, the Trustworthy’.


The Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) possessed the magnificent status of prophecy and divine leadership, but his manners is dealing with the people and his way of  life were so simple and gentle that when he was among the people and a new commer wanted to know about him,  he had to ask, ’Which one of you is the Prophet’. Ibid  p.125

He had no love for luxuries or  illusions of  this mortal world. He was never enchanted by any worldly things, and he invariably looked upon this world’s life as passing one.

The holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) spoke in short, meaningful sentences and was never seen or heard to interrupt anybody’s speech.

He never spoke of a morose face, nor did he ever apply rough, awkward words. Unlike tyrants and despot rulers, the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) never looked at those who were addressing him with half-closed eyes.

The Prophet of Islam (SAW) did not care to sit down in the seat of honour,  in gatherings, and on entering any place would sit down in the first empty seat available.

He did not let anybody stand up before him and treated others most respectfully. Of course,  of anybody and forgave people’s mistakes or their misconduct. His reaction to the torment and disregard of the ignorant people was forgiveness and tolerance.



The U'lama of  biographies-Allah have mercy on them - have said that when his Holy Prophetic lordship (SAW) had returned from Madina from the pilgrimage of velidiction, he felt sick, and (never) recovered again and that  when the news of his indisposition had spread near and far, some persons laid claim to prophecy. On Wednesday, twenty eight of Safar, that prince (SAW) had a violent fever and headache, and Thursday, he tied, despite of  his malady, the banner (of command) with his own propitious hands for As'mah, saying : "In the name of Allah, for the religion of Allah, fight those who are unbelievers”! Asamah went out with standard, which he gave to Borydah B. Alhassyb, and made him the commander of the army, his lordship the Prophet (SAW) also ordered Sidyq, Faruq and Dhu-Nuryn and other chiefs of the Mohajirs and nobles of Ansar to march in that expedition with Asamah. This arrangement, however, displeased many of the companions, and disapproving of it , they said: The Appostle of God (SAW) has made that boy the Governor of  Mohajer, and of such a distinguished company. On hearing this malcontents, he bacame irate, tied cloth over his blessed head, and left his mansion, despite the headache and fever he was sufferring from, ascended the pulpit, and said, after offering praises and thanks givings : “O ye people, what words of  your I hear with reference to the commandership of Asamah? If you blame this day for commander, you have undoubtedly blamed his father when he was in command of Sariah Mowtah! I swear by Allah that Zayd was worthy of command, and that after him his son is likewise worthy thereof! Accept, therefore, in good part what I say about him. He is one of the best among you". Rauzat-us-Safa Volume 2  part II. pp.703-705.

In the Aa'llamu-lward we read that  the Prophet (SAW) began to feel unwell on Saturday or Sunday, during the end of the month Ssafar, took hold of the hand of Ali (A.S), and preceded by a number of friends, arrived at Baqyi, where he said 'greetings to you, O denizens of the tombs. May you enjoy what is comming. Troubles have arrived like pieces of dark night; the former are connected with the latter, and they follow each other. Then he said; 'Be it known unto you that Jebrail recites the Quran to me once every year; but this year he has done it ten times, I know he has done this, because my end is at hand'. He also said : O Ali, I have been left the choice to receive the treasures of  this world and to remain there in, or to dwell in paradise but I have elected to meet God the Most High, and (after that to dwell in Paradise.. When I expire thou art to wash my body, and to cover my pudenda, so that no one may see them without being struck with blindness After having washed my body, thou art to drink  the water remaining in the cavity of my navel, and of cavities of my eyes, that thou mayest inherit the knowledge of  former and latter times" Ibid. p.706.

Omm e-Solmah says 'The Apostle of God during his sickness tied a turban on his blessed head, mounted the pulpit, and first implored pardon for the martyres of Ohod, and after  that he ordered the doors of the houses of the companions which faced the mosque to be shut, except that of Ali-u-w-b-saying "I cannot do without  his company, nor he without mine" Ibid  p.710

There is another naration from Aby Sa'd Hadhary “in his mortal sickness the Apostle of God came out one day from the apartment of A'ayshah, mounted the pulpit, preached a sermon, and extorting his companions on that occasion, said : 'God the Most High and Glorious has given to his servant the choice between this world and His reward, but he has selected the latter'. At these words Abu Baker (R.U.) commenced to weep, and we wondered what occasion there was for crying at this information; at last, however, we learnt that he had by his high intellect and penetration understood that the servant here meant was the prophet himself”  Ibid. p.711.

"The U'lama of biographers have related that at the time when sickness of  the apostle of Allah (SAW) increased, and the companions assembled in his apartment, he exclaimed: 'Bring and inkstand, with a sheet, that I may write something which will never be lost after me'. Some desired to comply with this order, while others said : 'Will the words will be like those he utters from the violance of his disease, or serious ones?' Omar (R.U.) said : 'Pain and suffering have overpowered the Apostle of God (SAW), and we possess the Quran which we approve of'. Many agreed with the opinion of Omar (R.U.) while others insisted on the production of  the writing material asked for, so that dispute arose, which was carried on with great confusion and noise. Hereon his holy prophetic lordship-u.w.b.--said : 'Go away from me, for it is  unseemly to quarrel in the presence of prophet' Abbas (peace be upon him) says 'It was a great misfortune. that some of the companions would not allow the Apostle of God (SAW.) to write his last will'. Ibid. p.712

In his last moments of life his Lordship asked Jebrail to' increase his joy' And Jebrael said : 'O Mohammad (SAW), the Lord  Most high, whose name be blessed and exalted will grant thee several things, which he has not vouched to bestow on any of the noble prophets; the lake Kawthar; the laudable spot; intercession for thy people will be granted to thee, and on the morn of the resurrection  many of thy adherents will be restored to rejoice thee'. Ibid. pp.727-728.

The Prophet departed to the eternal world  in June-632A.D. It is the opinion of most biographers that the Apostle of God (SAW) expired on Monday, the 12th of Month Rabyi'anterior, some say it was 2nd of the same month. Ibid. p.73916.
