AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Prophet Muhammed (PBUH)


The U'lama of the nation agree that the first person the stature of whose ability became honoured by the robe of religion was Khudyjah (peace be upon her); but a number of pious men assert that Ali, (A.S.) was made happy by becomming the first proselyte to the faith, and after him Zaid bin Hareth, the freed slave of the prince of existence, was exalted by that gift, and after that Abu Bakr (RAA) beleived the words of prophet-u.w.b. The traditions now related may, however, also be adjusted  as follows : The first person who believed in the prophet ship of the prince of righteous was Khudyjah (peace be upon her), the first who confessed it was Ali (A.S.) it was Ali the select-u.w.b. and the first who attached himself  to his lordship was Zaid Bin Hareth.The priority of these three in  believing the words of Ahmad (SAW), the chosen respectacle of the blessings of the Almighty Sovereign, is made clear as follows Sidiq Abu Bakr was the first man, Ali Murtaza (i.e the select) the first boy, and Zaid Bin Hareth the first liberated, who had professed the religion; and as for the priority of Khudyjah, it needs no explanation. The other followers who pronounced Kalimat are in this sequence, U'thman Bin U'ffan, Zobeir Bin Ala'wam, Tolhah Bin Abdullah, Sa'ad Bin Abu Woqas, and Abbdur Rehman Bin A'uf.Rauzat-us-Safa vol.1.Part II - p150.

The other sequence is "Khadija was the first to accept his mission. She was the first to believe in the revelation, to abandon the idolatory of her people, and to join with him in purity of heart in offering up prayers to the All Merciful.After Khadijah (peace be upon her), Ali was of the next disciple. Often did the Prophet (SAW) go into the depth of the solitary desert around Mecca, with his wife and  young cousin, that they might together offer up their heartfelt  thanks to the God of all nations for his manifold blessings. Soon after Zaid, the son of Harith became a convert to new faith. He was followed by a leading member of the Koreishite community of the name of Abdullah, s.o. of Abu Kuhafa, who afterwards became famous in history as Abu Bakr. Five notables followed in his footsteps, Othman, son of Affan, Abdur Rehman, son of A'uf; Sa'd son of Abi Waqas; Zubair  son of Awwam and nephew of Khadijah, presented theselves beofre the prophet and accepted Islam at his hands. Spirit Of Islam, Amir Ali pp.20-21.

An interesting  and authentic account of those who preceeded in accepting Islam is found in Tareekh-e-Ahmadi : Sheikh Ahmad Hussain Khan (in Urdu) giving the name of the narrator as well as the orginal sources. The following sources are noteworthy which have given the sequence of early believers in the oneness of God and the Prophethood of Mohammad b. Abdullah (SAW). The first living  being who accepted the Prophethood of Mohammad b. Abdullah (SAW) was Khudaijah (peace be upon her)  and there is complete unanimity among all historians over this. As regards the second person Seerat Hisham hold that Ali b. Abi Talib was first after Khudaijah (peace be upon her) when he was 10 years old), some hold that Abu Bakr (RAA) was the first. Ibne Aseer Jazri (Tareekh Kamil) "There is no difference of opinion about Hazrat Khudaijah, as for Ali b. Abi Talib (AS) some hold that  Ali (AS) was first, some hold that Abu Bakr (RAA) was first. (Tareekh Ahmadi (Urdu) P. 14.

Ibne Ishaq holds that after the Holy Prophet (SAW) Ali b.Abu Talib (AS) followed by Zaid b. Hariss followed by Abu Bakr (RAA). Tareekh Ahmadi (Urdu) p.14

Ibne Hajjar Asqalani (in his Kitabal-Asaba) writes that  majority of learned people  hold that Abul Hasan Ali b.Abi Talib (AS) was the first to accept Islam (he was born 10 years after the Prophethood of the Prophet of Islam (SAW)). In Seeerat, Ibne Hisham it is stated that among men Ali b. Abi Talib was the first to accept Islam and offered prayer and whatever was revealed to Prophet (SAW) was testified by him (when he was 10 years old) and whatever was gifted by God to Ali (AS) one of it was that he was brought up by the Holy Prophet (SAW). He was followed by Zaid b. Hariss who accepted Islam and offered  prayers. Tareekh Ahmadi (Urdu) p. 14

Abdul Bar Maliki (In istai-aab) has written that  Mohd. Kaab Qarzi was asked by people whether Ali b.Abi Talib (SA) accepted Islam first or Abu Bakr (RAA), he said Ali b. Abi Talib is the first who accepted Islam (Ibne Abdul-Bar says that there is no doubt that among these two  Ali (AS) was the first to accept Islam. However Salman Farsi, Abuzar-e-Ghaffari, Miqdad & Khyabad, Jabir, Abu-Saeed Ansari and Zaid b. Arqam narrate that in reality Ali (AS) is the first who embraced Islam. The abovementioned grand companions  have preferred Ali (AS) over others. Tareekh Ahmadi (Urdu) pp 14-15.

In  (Khasais) Nissai has quoted for Afeef  was told by Ibne Abbas b. Abdul Muttalib that by God uptil now Mohammad  b. Abdullah (SAW) Khudaijah (peace be upon her  and Ali (AS) are the only three souls on the path of Islam. Tareek-e-Ahmadi (Urdu)  p.16.     
