AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Imam Ali Al-Hadi (AS)

An introduction to eleventh infallible Hazrat Imam Taqi (AS)


Above Forty years of the life of Imam Ali Reza (A.S.) had passed and still he did not have a son. The Shias were showing restlessness and anxiety and praying to God to grant the Imam (A.S.) that son who was being awaited, since they had heard from their previous Imams that the Ninth Imam is the son of eighth Imam. Even sometimes they visited Imam Ali Reza (A.S.) and questioned him about his successor. He would reply, "God will give me a son who will be my heir and the Imam to follow me."

At last, the waiting of Shias ended and Imam was born from his mother named "Khaizran". She was from the family of Maria Qibtia the wife of the Prophet (P.B.U.H.) who was famous and renowned among the Arabs for her purity, modesty, and superb human virtues.

Imam (A.S.) has many titles out of those Taqi and Jawad are the most famous.

Hakima, the sister of Imam Reza (A.S.), says on the night of his (Imam's [A.S.]) birth my brother advised me to be present beside his wife. The son of Imam (A.S.) came to the world very conveniently and looked at the sky and declared and confirmed the oneness of God and the Prophet-hood of the Prophet of Islam (P.B.U.H.). I, upon observing this matter trembled and went to my brother, and told him about it. My brother said, "Oh sister don't be disturbed you will see the surprises even after this one."

This birth was a very auspicious, blessed and comforting because it took the Shias out of the wandering state, doubt, irresolution and indecision.

Naufali narrates, "When Imam Reza (A.S.) was traveling to Khurrasan I said, "Don't you have any order for me." He said, "You follow my son after me and question him about your difficulties."

Imam (A.S.) persistently and continuously told his friends, "It is not necessary that you write to me and ask me question, instead you make queries and ask questions from this young child who is the Imam next to me." When some of his friends reflected their amazement and surprise that how this child would be stationed as the Imam of the Ummah? He would say, "God appointed Jesus Christ (A.S.) as the Prophet when he was even younger than Abu Jaffar. Age and years do not have any interference in the Prophet-hood and Imamate.

The Ninth Imam Hazrat Jawad (A.S.) undertook the responsibility of Imamate at the age of nine years. One of the friends of Imam (A.S.) says, "Ali Ibn-e-Jaffar the uncle of Imam commanded a great respect among the people and whenever he went to the mosque, people would surround him and ask questions about their problems." One day, Imam Jawad (A.S.) arrived the mosque. Ali Ibn-e-Jaffar who was an aged and elderly person got up from his place and kissed the hand of the Imam (A.S.), and stood beside him. Imam (A.S.) said, "Uncle sit down." He said, "How can I sit while you are standing."

When he returned among his friends they reprimanded him saying, "You are an old man and the uncle of this child. Why do you respect him that way?" He replied, "keep quiet, Imamate is an office and a station from God. God did not deem this old man fit and capable for the leadership of the Ummah, but considered this child capable for it. You must all obey his commands."

The Moral Features of Imam (A.S.)

Imam (A.S.) was a child when his father passed away but he never happened to commit the child like acts and even one day one of his friends purchased the game items in the age (period) of his father and took it to his house. Imam (A.S.) was extremely annoyed with him and said, "What do I have to do with these? We are a family of Knowledge and Virtue."

One year after the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) Mamoon was proceeding for hunting along with a group of men. Some children were playing in the street. A child was standing on one side of the street and watching them play. All of the children ran away as they saw Mamoon and his army men. But the eleven-year-old child who was watching kept on standing and did not move from his place. Mamoon came near him and asked, "Oh son why did you not run away as the others did?"

He replied, "The way was not narrow so that I could be hurdle for your crossing it. I have not committed any thing wrong so that I might be afraid. I do not think you annoy anyone without reason. Therefore, my running away would be reasonless". Mamoon was surprised and amazed at the boldness, dauntlessness and training of that child and asked, "What is your name?"

He replied "Mohammad."

He asked whose son are you?

He said, "Son of Ali."

Mamoon said, "Are you not the son of Reza (A.S.)?"

He replied, "Yes."

Mamoon praised and applauded him and move on along with his companions.

The Letter of Imam Reza (A.S.) for His Son

Baranti says, "One day Imam Reza (A.S.) wrote a letter on this way, to his son in Madina."

"Oh son! I have heard that the servants do not allow the people to come and simply contact you and put their difficulties before you. Be aware they (servants) do not want your benefit and prosperity now I order you that the door of your house be open to all the people and all of them be free to come and go so that whosoever may wish he could ask you question about his difficulty may have the energy (freedom) to do it.

Whenever you go somewhere carry money along with you so that if somebody is in need you may help him. Keep your problem stricken, and entangled relatives in view and attend and help them well. Always do not forget generosity and attending the afflicted ones.

Imam's (A.S.) Contact with the World of Unseen

Following the martyrdom of Imam Reza (A.S.) eighty men of wisdom traveled to perform Hajj. On the way (to Mecca) they arrived Madina and went to Imam's (A.S.) house to pay him a visit. Imam (A.S.) who was a young age (child) move into the aggregation and all of them stood up to honor and respect him.

Then they asked questions about their problems and heard then response of the Imam (A.S.) and were very glad. One of them named "Ishaq" says, I had written down a number of problems to ask from the Imam (A.S.) and request him to pray for me so that God gives we a son. Since the assembly was quite overcrowded I got up to go and come back the next day. Imam (A.S.) saw me and said, Oh Ishaq, God granted my demand (prayer) and will give you a son. Name him "Ahmad."

Thereafter, Imam (A.S.) answered my problems. I heard the answers to my questions without even putting them to Imam (A.S.).

I was much surprised and said, I thank God for the benediction and boon that he has given us. He is the same proof of God (Imam) as I returned to my city not very long had passed that God gave me a son just as Imam (A.S.) had said. I named him "Ahmad."

Ashari Qumi says, "I had the honor to visit Imam (A.S.). I humbly said, "One of the ladies, who is one of your friends, has recommended to me that I bring along with me one of your dresses for her so that she may use it as her coffin."

Imam said, "She does not need it any longer."

I did not exactly understand what it meant. I did not utter a word and said good-bye to Imam (A.S.) and came back. Afterwards, I came to know that a few days before my reaching the Imam (A.S.), that woman had died. Imam (A.S.) was informed about her death. He wanted to make me know it by a signal.

Ummiyya says, "During the period when Imam Reza (A.S.) was in Khorrasan I used to visit the ninth Imam's house." One day he told his relatives "Get ready for mourning tomorrow." I said "for whom"? He said, "the mourning of the best of all the human beings, my father Hazrat Reza (A.S.)."
