AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Sayeda Fatimah Al-Zahra (AS)

On the Martyrdom of Fatima al-Zahra alayhas-salam

The final messenger of Allah to humanity – the holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and his pure family, had been the target of many assassination attempts, which thankfully failed to materialise.  In their relentless endeavour to eliminate the prophet of mercy to mankind, the forces of evil eventually succeeded to murder the Messenger of Allah by poisoning.  The first signs of the fatal illness appeared on Thursday 24th Safar, 11 Hejri, after the poison was administered to him the day before.  By Monday 28th Safar the prophet succumbed to death.

For three days, the shocked and grief-stricken citizens of Medina in turn offered prayers, and on the third day of his death, the body of the holy prophet was buried.

However, the Prophet’s assassins did not waste much time to embark on yet another murderous campaign – this time on the Ahl-al-Bayt – the Household of the murdered prophet.

"Fatima is part of me, he who hurts her hurts me"

This was said by Prophet Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih on numerous occasions.

Three days after the burial of the body of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih, the enemies of Allah and His Messenger did not waste time to embark on yet another murderous assault on the Ahl-ul-Bayt alayhum-as-salam

Three days after the burial of the body of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad salla-llahu-alayhi-wa-aalih,, the murderers of Rasulollah raided the house of the beloved daughter of the prophet Muhammad, Lady Fatima al-Zahra' peace be upon her. In the process they set fire to the door of the house, and crushed Fatima al-Zahra' alayhas-salam, between the door and the wall.  Lady Fatima al-Zahra' alayhas-salam, who was heavily pregnant at the time, sustained a number of horrific injuries, as a result of which she died later.  Her unborn baby son – the third grandson of Rasulollah; whom the prophet had named Mohassen, died instantly in the course of the assault by the "Sahabah"!!! Some of the injuries that the beloved daughter of Rasulollah sustained were:

  • smashed ribs,
  • pierced lungs,
  • as well as injuries to her unborn baby son, Mohassen alayhis-salam, who was killed instantly.

Not being satisfied with all that, on entering the house, the assailants did not leave the beloved daughter of Prophet Muhammad alone. They subjected the heavily pregnant Lady Fatima to a barrage of vicious assaults such as:

  • violently slapping her face,
  • throwing her to the ground,
  • repeatedly punching and kicking her
  • as well as hitting with the side of their swords.

At the same time as the assault on Fatima al-Zahra', an assault was also taking place against her husband Amir-ul-Mu'minin alayhis-salam, who had come to her defence. The attackers eventually managed to disarm and apprehend Amir-ul-Mu'minin, Imam Ali alayhis-salam.   As Fatima alayhas-salam lay unconscious on the ground, the assailants put a noose around Imam Ali’s neck, ferociously dragging him through the narrow streets of Medina so as to force him to declare his Bay'ah (the homage of allegiance) to the illegal and self-declared caliph . . .

So within a week, this new ‘caliph’ and his thugs managed to kill the Prophet Muhammad, his beloved daughter Fatima al-Zahra’, and his unborn grandson Mohassen!!!
