AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussain (AS)

Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (AS)

Imam’s Biography

After Imam Hossein (Pbuh), Imam Ali Ibn al-Hosein (Pbuh)
inherited Imamate from him. He was called” Abu Mohammad”
and “Zein-ul-Abedin” and some times “Abol Hassan” as well.
His mother was Kasra’s daughter (the last king of the Sasanides)
whose name was “ Shahrbanoo”. Imam Ali (Pbuh) appointed Harith
Ibn Jaber Hanafi as his officer for governing the eastern part of the
Islamic government’s kingdom. Then Harith sent the daughters of
Yazdgerd III for Imam Ali (Pbuh). Sharbanoo married Imam Hossein
(pbuh) and the other one married Mohammad Ibn Abubakr.

Imam Sajad (another nickname of Imam Zein –ul-Abedin) was born
in 38 A.H (Sha’ban 5th) in Medina. He was 23 when he lost his father
” Imam Hossein (Pbuh)” and he lived for another 34 years. He passed
away in the 25th of Moharram, 95 A.H at the age of 56 in Medina. His
Imamate lasted for 34 years .His tomb is located in Baghi’ Cemetery
(In Medina) next to Imam Hassan’s (Pbuh) tomb.

The Reasons of Imam Sajad (Pbuh)’s Imamate

The reasons of Imam Ali Ibn Hossain (Pbuh)’s Imamate are so many
among which are:

  1. After his father ”Imam Hossein (Pbuh)” he was the most qualified
    person from scientific point of view. It is wisely to say that Imamate
    is a position, which is appropriate for the one who possesses all
    the good attributes. He was the closest person to the ex-Imam and
    much more deserved to be Imam, in comparison with the others both
    for the sake of possessing good attributes and enjoying the membership
    of a noble progeny. He deserved to accept this responsibility as an
    Imam due to the Quarnic verse Zavel Arham and the story of Hazrat-e
    Zacharias (Pbuh) which is explained in Quran.
  2. According to common sense Imamate is necessary in any time and the
    claims of those who claimed to possess it (of course they were liars) in
    Imam’s time and the other times was nonsense so the validity of his
    Imamate is proved, for it is impossible to have no Imam in any time.
  3. From logical point of view and also according to the narrations , it is
    proved that the status of Imamate is specially restricted to the Progeny
    of Holy Prophet(SW)and the claim of the one who considered “Mohammad
    Hanafiyeh “ as Imam is null and void. The reason is that about his Imamate
    there has been no clear narration from The Holy Prophet (SW) and the other
    Imams. Thus; it is proved that Imamate just belongs to Ali Ibn Hossain (Pbuh),
    for there has been no claim about it among The Holy Prophet’s Progeny and as it
    was mentioned earlier that Mohammad Hanafiyeh is not the holder of this position.
  4. The other reason is the clarification of The Holy Prophet (SW) on his Imamate
    so that “ Revayat-e Loh” is indicative of this fact .The one which has been
    narrated by Jabir Ibn Abdollah Ansary who himself had heard from The Holy
    Prophet (SW).

Imam Sajad(Pbuh)’s Characters

1-“ Abdol Aziz Ibn Abi Hazim “ states that : “ I have heard from my father
that ‘among the Bany Hashim Progeny no one could be found
who would be better than Ali Ibn Hossein (Pbuh)’ ”.

2- “Sa’id Ibn Kolthum “ states: “ I was with Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) then, we talked
about Imam Ali (Pbuh). He praised him a lot, then he said: ” I swear to God!
That Ali Ibn-e Abi Talib (Pbuh) never earned money from the illegal ways.”
And there was no one among the Moslem nation who could deal with the Holy
Prophet (SW)’s affairs. Ali (Pbuh)’s situation was like the state of a man who
saw himself between the Paradise and The Hell , hoping to be granted a
prize and at the same time being afraid of punishment (Seeking God’s
satisfaction and hoping to be saved from the fire of the Hell), Imam Ali (Pbuh)
freed thousands of slaves, with money which he earned through hard works.
Along with his wife and children he, consumed olive, vinegar, and dates. His
clothes were made of canvas. If his sleeves were too long, he would cut them.
He led a simple and ordinary life .No one would resemble him among his Progeny
, in scientific matters, but Ali Ibn-e Hossain (Pbuh).”

The Personality of Imam Sajad (Pbuh)’s Point of View

Along with the previously mentioned narration, Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) states that:
“One day Imam Baqir (Pbuh) came to his father “ Imam Sajad (Pbuh)”. He
saw his father praying in such a way that no one could interrupt him. He found
out that due to staying up late at night (for the sake of praying), his face turned pale,
and his eyes were weak due to crying so hard and his feet were swollen due to
much of praying.

Imam Baqir (Pbuh) states:” When I saw my father’s attitude, I began to cry
uncontrollably because I felt a sympathy toward him. He was deep in thought.
After a while he said; “My dear son, give me some of these books in which there
has been mentioned the points about Ali Ibn Abi Talib’s way of praying.” I did so, he
read them for a while, then he put them down so sadly and said: “ Who has the
power to pray just like Imam Ali (Pbuh)?
