My name is Emina and I was
born in a country that was known as Yugoslavia at the time. The
communism had made people forget all about religion, and true Islam was
nowhere to be found. People were adoring and praising this communist
dictator who died before I was even born. I saw something wrong with
this even at a tender age of six. I was six years old when I went to the
masjid for the first time. Neither my mother or father told me to go ,
but they didn't prevent me from going either.
I still remember the my first day at the masjid, the sheikh was teaching
children basics about islam. I came in and found a seat. I was really
scared or maybe excited, I am not sure.When the sheikh approached me,
and told me to repeat after him simple suras, I started to shake but
obeyed him anyways. I came back to the class every weekend and felt good
about it. I continued going all throughout elementary school and the
beginning of high school untill I left my country. I am sad to say that
in those nine years I only learned how to pray and read from the Holy
Quran. Islamic history was NEVER mentioned, the companions were almost
never mentioned and neither was Ahlul Bayt as. The only thing i knew
about Fatima as was that she loved her father tremendously, that Ali as
was the first youth to accept Islam and that Hassan as and Hussein as
were two precious little boys who were loved very much by the Holy
Prophet saws. At that time I wasn't aware that there is such thing as
Sunni and Shia sects in Islam, but I loved being a Muslim and I loved
all Muslims, that is until my mind was poisoned by a wahabi man.
I moved to Canada in 1996 and subhanAllah, in this Christian country I
had found the true Islam. I was thrilled to see ladies with hijabs and
wanted to wear one myself. I wanted to do everything that would bring me
closer to Allah swt. I tried talking to my mother about hijab but she
always hated the idea of me wearing one and still does. But that doesn't
not concern me at all.
I had heard about sunni/shia issue from a wahabi man, who was our
neighbour at the time. His wife was my friend and so I visited there
often. Because of that i was often given tapes and lectures by him,
which did a very good job at brainwashing me. I started disliking shia
just because they were different from me, just because someone told me
to dilsike them. I also started doing things that are too extreme to
have anything to do with Islam, but I never knew the difference.
My family decided to move from Saskatchewan to Ontario. My life was
about to change.............for the better. A friend introduced my
family to a wonderful young man who's face was bright and who had the
best manners. "He would make a great husband", I thought, "If he just
wasn't shii." Short time after meeting this man, he proposed to me.
Before answering him, I went to see a bosnian sheikh and asked his
advice. "Is it allowed for me to marry a shia man?" -I asked. Sheikh's
answer both surprised me and confused me: "Shia are our brothers." He
said " And I wish all muslims were like shia!" As I was leaving I felt
relief and knew that I was about to marry my husband.
Nevertheless, in my heart I still hoped that he would change and be
sunni, just like I am. So we debated and debated...My husband mentioned
issues like Fadaq and The Battle of Jamal. I was shocked !!! What was he
talking about?! How can Abu Bakr, who is such a good companion deny the
daughter of the Holy prophet saws her inheritance and make her so upset
that she never spoke to him again untill she passed away??How can Ayesha,
The mother of believers lead a battle against the Imam of her time, Imam
Ali as?!
Wasn't there a fairy tale-type relationship between all companions???
Didn't Abu bakr and Omar love ahlul Bayt as??? Didn't Ahlul Bayt as Love
them back???!!
"No, this couldn't be true, my husband isn't being honest with me" - I
thought, untill I found what he was talking about, on a sunni site, from
sunni books. It was all true. My heart was aching, I was so confused. I
wanted to be on the same side with Ahlul Bayt as but at the same time I
couldn't let go of Abu Bakr, Omar, Ayesha, and Othman. I went to see
that bosnian Imam again hoping that he would help me... All he said was
" All those companions are good people." "Is that it?"-I thought ,
greatly dissappointed.
SubhanAllah , one of the hardest things a person can do is admit that he
or she is wrong. I decided to search for truth, and this time without
hoping to prove shia wrong. I finally started reading the sermons of
Imam Ali as . I was amazed at what he wrote and realized what a
wonderful person he was and what a great worshipper as well!!! The
sermon of Shiqshiqiyyah especially cought my attention: "Beware! By
Allah the son of Abu Quhafah (Abu Bakr) dressed himself with it (the
caliphate) and he certainly knew that my position in relation to it was
the same as the position of the axis in relation to the hand-mill. The
flood water flows down from me and the bird cannot fly upto me. I put a
curtain against the caliphate and kept myself detached from it."
So there it was, all the proof I was looking for. I took Imam Ali's as
word over Abu Bakr's anytime. After all, Imam Ali as wouldn't lie and
Fatima as would never claim something that isn't hers. At that moment I
knew I was free from my confusion, and that I finally know who's side I
am on. Alhamdulillah for that.
I am still learning a great deal about "shiaizm" . I cannot thank enough
all sisters and brothers from the Shia The Right Path room. The more I
learn, the more certain I become that I chose the right path. After all,
the Holy Prophet saws told us to follow the Holy Quran and Ahlul Bayt
as. This hadith is viewed as authentic by both shia and sunnies.
Thanks for reading my story and may Allah swt bless you all.