Sincerity 101
Do you seek fame and reputation?
A sincere person abhors and fears fame and reputation, especially if he
or she possesses different talents, and firmly believes that Allah [swt]
will hold people to account according to their inner conscience and not
the outer appearance, and that frame will be of no avail before Allah
[swt] is man meets Him with a corrupted intention. However, we should
bear in mind that, these instructions do not recommend isolation or
loneliness. These instructions, of course are an alarm to the danger of
the concealed desires, and a caution against the means by which Satan
makes use of to creep into the heart of man. Undoubtedly, there is no
wrong in fame itself, for the Prophet [pbuh] and the Imams [a] are the
most famous men. Wrong is to make it ones aim in life.
2. Do you perform the good deeds better in public?
Sincere individuals prefer the hidden action over the public one. They
prefer to be like the root of the tree, which is not visible, yet it is
the main cause of maintaining the tree with elements of life.
3. Does your motivation vary whether you are a leader or just another
member of an Islamic organization or a committee working for an Islamic
Sincere individuals are not concerned about their status, whether they
are a leader or a follower. Their only objective is to serve Allah [swt]
and the cause. Therefore their hearts are not possessed with love for
leadership. They prefer the position of a soldier to the position of
leader in cases that they cannot fulfill the duties of leadership. They
do not ask to be a leader, but when they are charged with it they ask
Allah's [swt] help to fulfill their duties and obligations.
4. Do you feel happy when people are pleased with you?
Sincere individuals do not pay even the slightest attention to the
pleasure of people when it is in direct contradiction with the pleasure
of Allah [swt]. People are different in inclinations, aims, and
thoughts, and so one cannot please all of them. Thus, the devoted
amongst the sincere individuals are not interested in seeking the
pleasure of people.
5. Do you abandon working for Allah [swt] if you are hurt by the
actions or words of others?
Sincere individuals love and hate, spending and saving, delight and
wrath are all in sincerity for the sake of Allah [swt] and the religion
of Islam. Unfortunately, some individuals leave the field of Dawah if
they are hurt by some of their brothers and sisters even with the bellow
of one word. They abandon the struggle due to trivial reasons. However,
sincerity for the sake of Dawah means to preserve whatever the obstacles
that he may face, since his sacrifice is for the sake of Allah [swt] and
not for himself or family. Dawah for Allah's [swt] sake is a common
duty; it is not restricted to particular reasons. Therefore, no one is
permitted to abandon it due to the conduct or behavior of some other
individuals mal thought and intentions.
6. Does the long road ahead or the obstacles along the way frustrate
Sincere individuals do not experience laziness or lassitude due to the
great length of the journey and the obstacles they encounter in it. They
do not aim at achieving victory or success only, but hope for the
pleasure of Allah [swt] before anything else. In fact, Allah [swt] will
not ask people on the Day of Judgment about the reason they did not
achieve victory, instead He will ask them about their endeavors and
actions His way.