AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > General Issues


In the days of ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.), there live a very pious and God-fearing man. One day, a group of some elderly people, who were known for their idleness, cornered him and demanded to be invited to his place for a night of sitting and chatting. The man thought to himself, “If I invite them, they will spend the whole night in useless talks thereby earning displeasure of Allah (SWT). But should I refuse them, then they will use this as an excuse to harass and humiliate me”. Not knowing what to do, the pious man pleaded for some time to think over it. He then proceeded to ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.) to seek his guidance in this matter.

‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.) carefully thought over it and said, “Invite these people to your house and I will also come”.

That night, ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.) arrived at the house of the pious man before everyone. When the people came and saw the ‘Allama present, they were initially very disappointed. They hatched a plan to behave annoyingly so that the ‘Allama departs from the place leaving them alone to enjoy their idle talks and do what they may please. So they asked, “Respected Sir! What bad is there in us that you always criticize us?” ‘Allama responded by asking: “What good do you have that I should praise you?”

They said, “We could be having one thousand faults but we are not treacherous. When somebody does any good to us, we neither deceive him nor act treacherous towards him. In fact we remember his goodness till death”.

‘Allama said: “Indeed this is an admirable attribute but certainly I do not see that in you!”

They said: “If you wish, you may inquire this from any one in Isfahan if we have ever been disloyal to those who have shown goodness towards us”.

Thereupon ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.) took advantage of the opportunity to guide them and said: “I am personally a witness that you are disloyal and treacherous. How do you behave with your Lord? You eat from his plate and then make a hole in it. You consume plenty of His bounties and derive maximum benefits from them. Then you sin and disobey His commands. You succumb to your desires!”

These words of ‘Allama were so effective that all those who were present bowed down their heads in shame and silence prevailed for some time. Thereafter, every one dispersed from the pious man’s house. Early next day, the same people came to ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.)’s house and said, “O Respected Sir! Last night whatever you said has liven our conscious and woken us up from a deep slumber. We now wish to repent so guide us”. ‘Allama Majlisi (a.r.) welcomed them whole heartedly and guided them to repent.   (Bikhre Moti)

An idle mind is a devil’s workshop. One who has nothing useful to do will end up doing things which are harmful to one and others, and as a result, will lose out the happiness of this World and also earn the displeasure of Allah (SWT).

Islam teaches us to keep ourselves away from idleness and instead we should employ ourselves in useful things that are beneficial to others, the society and us.

Imam Ali ibn al-Husayn (a.s.) says in his famous supplication on Noble Moral Traits (Makaarimul-Akhlaaq): “O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family. Be sufficient for me in that which occupies me, Employ me in those deeds about which You will ask me tomorrow, Let me pass my days in that (work) for which You have created me…” (The Psalms of Islam)

In his another supplication for Good Outcomes (Khawaatimil-Khayr), Imam (a.s.) says: “O Allah! Bless Muhammad and his family. And divert our hearts through remembering Thee from every act of remembrance, Our tongues through thanking Thee from every act of thanksgiving, Our limbs through obeying Thee from every act of obedience! If Thou hast ordained for us idleness from these occupations, make it an idleness of safety, within which no ill consequence visits us and weariness overtakes us!...”

                                                                      (The Psalms of Islam)


Mulla Mujaheedali Sheriff
