What is Narrated by al-Sajjad (AS)


17. Muhammed ibn Jarar ibn Rustam al-Tabari has recorded the following: “We have been informed by Makhal ibn Ibrahim al-Nahdi who says that Matar ibn Arqam has said that Aba Hamzah al-Thumali has said that Ali (A.S.) ibn al-Husain (A.S.) has said the following:


When he (A.S.) passed away, and when Abu Bakr received the oath of allegiacne, Ali (A.S.) lagged behind, so `Omer said to Abu Bakr, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said, ‘O Qunfath! Go to Ali and tell him that the successor of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiacne.” Ali (A.S.) raised his voice saying, “Praised be Allah! How quickly you have told lies about the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)!” He returned and informed Abu Bakr of it. `Omer again said, “Are you not going to send someone to this lagging man to come and swear the oath of allegiance to you?” He (Abu Bakr) said to Qunfath, “Go to Ali and tell him that the commander of the faithful tells you to come and swear the oath of allegiance.” Qunfath went there and knocked at the door. He said, “Who is it?” He said, “It is I, Qunfath.” He said, “What brought you here?” He said, “The commander of the faithful tells you to go and swear fealty.” Ali (A.S.) raised his voice as he said, “Glory to Allah! He claims what is not his!” Qunfath returned and told Abu Bakr everything. `Omer stood up and said, “Let us go to this man to bring him here.” A group of men went with him. They knocked at the door. When Ali (A.S.) heard their voices, he said nothing. A woman spoke and inquired who they were. They said, “Tell Ali to come out and swear fealty.” Fatima (A.S.) raised her voice as she said, “O Messenger of Allah (A.S.)! What have we suffered at the hands of Abu Bakr and `Omer after you?!” When the men heard her voice and words, many of them wept. Then they went away. `Omer remained, accompanied by a number of men. They took Ali (A.S.) out and led him to Abu Bakr till they seated him in front of the latter. Abu Bakr said to him, “Swear fealty (to me).” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) said, “You do that to me although I am a servant of Allah (A.S.) and the Brother of His Messenger.” Abu Bakr said, “Swear it.” Ali (A.S.) said, “What if I don’t?!” Abu Bakr said, “Then, by Allah, the One and only God, your neck shall be struck with the sword.” Ali (A.S.) turned to the grave (of the Messenger of Allah [a]) and said, “O Brother! The people deem me weak, and they almost killed me.” He swore fealty then left.[1]

[1]Al-Mustarshid fa Imamate Ali ibn Abi Talib, pp. 65-66.