5. `Abd al-Jalal al-Qazwini (d. circa 560 A.H.)
In his book wherein he rebutted a book titled Al-Naqd (in response to “Some Rafidi Scandals”), `Abd al-Jalal al-Qazwini has said the following:
“... They claim that `Omer hit Fatima (A.S.) in the stomach, killing a fetus in her womb whom the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) had called Muhassan...” The answer to it is this: This is true. Shi`as and Sunnis have recorded it in their respective books. But it has been narrated about the Chosen One (A.S.) that he had said, “Actions are judged according to intentions.” If `Omer’s purpose was to secure the oath of allegiance from Ali (A.S.), and he did not intend to cause any miscarriage, and perhaps `Omer did not know that Fatima (A.S.) was behind the door, his killing of her fetus will be by mistake, unintentionally. Even if he had killed him deliberately, he was not an infallible man. Allah is the One Who will judge him, not we, and nothing more can be said. Allah knows best about His servants’ actions, inward thoughts and what they hide. “And they say that `Omer and `Othman prohibited Fatima (A.S.) from weeping over her father..., etc.”[1]
And he says in another place, “`Omer tore up Fatima’s property title of Fadak, hitting her in the stomach, and they prohibited her from weeping over her father.”[2] We say that the excuse provided for the killing of al-Muhassan is truly odd and strange in the face of the huge torrent of narratives clearly proving that he (`Omer) knew that she was behind the door (where she spoke to him prior to being hit by him). Some narratives have even stated that he hit her fingers when she held the door trying to stop him from opening it, telling him that she had no veil on her so that he would not enter her house... He is the one who kicked her, slapped her and hit her, and so did Qunfath and others. So, we do not know how one can regard the killing of al-Muhassan as “accidental” except that he has a different concept of the word “accident” which none conceives except the writer of those words and their originator... No matter what, I have cited these paragraphs which he stated because they clearly indicate that she was hit, insulted, her door was broken and privacy invaded by force. Her miscarriage is a fact agreed upon by all, and it is used by a party as an argument (against the other party), yet the latter party searches for justifications for it no matter how trivial and cold-hearted. Had we endorsed such kinds of justifications, we shall never come across one criminal on the face of earth to indict and punish. Perhaps some people may be able to find an excuse for Satan. Al-Ghazali tried to relieve Satan of some of the blame, thus sparing him people’s curses, when he said, “There is no harm in remaining silent rather than cursing him.”[3] Yes! He said exactly so as he attempted to clear Yazid, the man who was accustomed to drinking wines and to debauchery, from his crime of killing al-Husain (A.S.). So, read on and be amazed. As long as you live, Time will show you wonders! |