6. Yahya ibn Muhammed al-`Alawi al-Basri
The Mu`tazilite scholar (who died in 656 A.H.), quoting his mentor Aba Ja`fer Yahya ibn Muhammed al-`Alawi al-Basri,
If you say that Fatima’s house was entered by force and her veil was uncovered, all for the sake of safeguarding the Islamic system, and so that dissension might not spread and a group of Muslims would commit a mutiny, and it was done for the sake of a unified front..., you will be told that the veil of `a’isha was likewise removed, and the privacy of her camel litter was invaded, and there was dissension among the Muslims, even the blood of Muslims was shed...; so, why do you regard invading the privacy of `a’isha as one of the greatest sins which required an eternal abode in the fire of Hell, and people should dissociate themselves from the culprit, and that doing so is the strongest indication of conviction, while invading the privacy of Fatima (A.S.) and entering her house by force and collecting firewood at her door and threatening her with burning... as the most firm indication of conviction and the best to firm the foundations of Islam, something whereby Allah granted dignity to the Muslims, putting out thereby the fire of dissension, while both instances are invasions of privacy and both veils were sacred?! What we would like to say to you is this: The sanctity of Fatima (A.S.) is greater; her status is more lofty; safeguarding her sanctity is done seeking nearness to the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) is more binding on every Muslim, for she is part of him, part of his flesh and blood and is not like a wife from outside his family with whom he (A.S.) has no kinship. How can `a’isha or anyone else be compared with Fatima (A.S.) while all the Muslims, those who love her and those who do not, that she is the Head of the Women of Mankind? How can we nowadays safeguard the Prophet ‘s name with regard to his wife and safeguard the name of Umm Habibah with regard to her brother, while the sahaba did not uphold the safeguarding of the family of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)?![1] [1]Ibn Abul Hadid, Sharh Nahjul Balagha, Vol. 20, pp. 16-17. |