96. The Book Al-Ma`arif  Distorted


Because of the issue of al-Muhassan being miscarried, we find them not hesitating to distort the original contents of the book titled Al-Ma`arif by Ibn Qutaybah as we are told by Ibn Shahr ashab who died in 588 A.H. Says he, “Ibn Qutaybah states in his book titled Al-Ma`arif that Muhassan perished because of the squeezing [of his mother] by Qunfath of Bani `Adiyy.”1

Al-Kanji, the Shafi`i scholar who died in 685 A.H., cites the mentor, al-Mufid, saying, “He [Ibn Qutaybah] added to what most scholars have reported saying that Fatima, peace be upon her, miscarried after the demise of the Prophet (A.S.) a son whom the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) had named Muhassan. This is something which is not reported by anyone from among the transmitters except Ibn Qutaybah.”2

It seems he means that Ibn Qutaybah has transmitted the above in his book titled Al-Ma`arif as Ibn Shahr ashab testifies. But if you look at p. 92 of the edition of the same book printed in 1353 A.H., you will instead read the following sentence: “As for Muhassan son of Ali (A.S.), he died young.” Such is the case with all other editions now in circulation. So, why should some people resort to such distorting and such betrayal of the historical truth?! We wonder.


57. Al-Shahristani, who dies in 548 A.H., discussing al-Nizam, who died in 231 A.H., says, “He provided more details to the tragedy saying that `Omer hit the stomach of Fatima (A.S.) on the day when people swore the oath of allegiance [to Abu Bakr] till she miscarried a fetus from her womb, and he used to shout, `Burn her house and everyone inside it!’ And there was none in the house except Ali (A.S.), Fatima (A.S.), al-Hasan (A.S.) and al-Husain.”3

Al-Baghdadi has quoted al-Nizam [Nizam al-Dawla, the Abbaside] saying that `Omer hit Fatima (A.S.) and deprived the Progeny of the Prophet (A.S.) of their inheritance.4

Al-Maqrazi says, “... It is alleged that he hit Fatima (A.S.) daughter of the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and deprived the Prophet’s Progeny of their inheritance.”5

Al-Safadi has also quoted him saying, “`Omer hit the stomach of Fatima (A.S.) on the day when the oath of allegiance [to Abu Bakr] was taken, so she miscarried al-Muhassan.”6

1Manaqib al Aba Talib, Vol. 3, p. 407 as printed by Dar al-Adwa’. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 43, p. 233.

2Kifayat al-Talib, p. 413.

3Al-Shahristani, Al-Milal wal Nihal, Vol. 1, p. 57. `Awalim al-`Ulam, Vol. 11, p. 416. Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 28, pp. 271 (footnote), 281. Bahj al-Sibagha, Vol. 5, p. 15. Bayt al-Ahzan, p. 124. Ihqaq al-Haqq, Vol. 2, p. 374; refer also the footnote on p. 372 of the same reference.

4Al-Farq Baynal Firaq, p. 148.

5Al-Maqrazi, Al-Khutat (in the section about wise sayings and morals), Vol. 2, p. 346.

6Al-Wafi bil Wafiyyat, Vol. 6, p. 17.