Permissibility of Looking at the Nude

Is this not similar to his advocating the permissibility of a man looking at the nudity of another man, and a woman looking at the nudity of another woman, based on “rational” commendable acts and on qiyas?! Rather, he even perfectly clearly makes it permissible to look at the nudity of those who participate in nude clubs[1] although such a prohibition is quite obvious according to the beliefs of our sect. Can he name one single scholar who agrees with this verdict of his?! Maybe there should be no embarrassment after today in going to such clubs, according to his views, in order to benefit scientifically from them!

May Allah protect us against slipping away from the Right Path in our way of thinking, in what we say or do.

[1]Refer to p. 66, Vol. 1, of Kitab al-Nikah. The basis upon which he relies does not refrain from prohibiting men from looking at women’s nudity, nor women from looking at men’s nudity, for he considers it one of the issues which are not relevant to obligations. His criterion is the nude person dropping the prohibition (of seeing himself/herself in the nude) from his/her own self when he/she uncovers the private parts. So, if one relinquishes on’s own right to safeguard the nudity, looking at such nudity will be (according to this scholar) permissible just as it is permissible for the women who do not refrain when they are prohibited from doing something prohibitive. Refer to his statements relevant to this subject and see for yourself.