In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful






In the Name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful; all praise belongs to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. Peace and blessings upon the best of Allah’s creation: Muhammed (A.S.) and upon his pure Progeny (A.S.).


Before starting my plain and honest discourse, I would like to attract the attention of all brethren readers to the following:


I hope that they will all read what I present to them slowly and in-depth without any prior notion that may cause them to pass a negative judgment in advance on this book, a judgment that may be greatly unfair and slanted. I also request them not to be in awe of any ideologist whose theory is presented to them to the degree that they do not subject such a theory to judgment, and that they be fair and aware. Nothing should bind them to take what they read for granted even if the writer would like them to do just that... They also ought not reject what they read or hear based on fanaticism in favor of or against this person or that. Rather, what is aspired is that when there is right or wrong, they should accept what is right and reject what is wrong, acting upon the statement of the Almighty wherein He says, “Those who listen to the word then follow the best thereof: those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding” (Qur’an, 39:18).

A good idea in any book should not be the reason for accepting its wrong one, even by mistake. Likewise, a wrong idea should not be the reason for rejecting a right one. The most urgent and sensitive demand is that they should require us__and they should require others as well__to provide them with whatever convinces them, pleases their commonsense and satisfies their conscience so that they may thus win the pleasure of Allah, the most Glorified One, and the pleasure and intercession of His prophets and the latter’s successors (A.S.) and that they should accept no blame in following Allah’s path. Right ought to be followed. There is no might nor power except in Allah; upon Him do I rely, and to Him is my return.