Do the Environment and Surroundings Affect Infallibility?


As regarding what is said about the effect of the environment and the surrounding atmosphere of conviction on the personality of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) we would like to say the following:

Al-Zahra’ (A.S.) is the noor that was created from the fruit of Paradise; she used to talk to her mother when she was inside her womb before she was born. She is among the best of what Allah, Praise to Him, created. He chose her to be infallible[1], the purified one, the selected elite one, prior to her entering the environment which some people discuss, claiming that it is the main reason for the status and prestige enjoyed by al-Zahra’ (A.S.). The individual’s statement implies that had al-Zahra’ (A.S.) lived in another environment, one which lacks righteousness, goodness, and piety, she would then have been stamped by its particular stamp, becoming an evil and deviated woman, and we seek Allah’s protection against making such assumptions! Is this acceptable or rational?!

I insist that the environment wherein al-Zahra’ (A.S.) lived, was not the reason that she reached a station of nearness to Allah, nor did it formulate and crystallize her believing personality or caused her infallibility or human perfection. Rather, her sound inner self, her pure soul, her wise mind, her balanced characteristics and human perfection, in addition to the care with which Allah Almighty surrounded her, being kind to her, guiding her and granting her success, and also her own individual and voluntary effort to attain more sincerity, purity and purification so that she could reach the degrees of nearness to Allah and to achieve His Pleasure. All that produced the personality of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) the infallible lady, the purified one.

Infallibility does not mean the inability to do something. It means the ability and the knowledge, making the right option, the strong and the effective will that works with the great mind, in addition to the divine kindness, care and support. Being a senior or a junior or the amount of bodily growth are not the criteria in the purity of the soul or the perfection of faculties and human attributes, nor is it in giving the lead to reason, or the power of reason and realization, or in vast knowledge and being worthy of attaining the stations of divinely-granted glory. Allah granted wisdom to Yahya (John the Baptist) (A.S.) when he was a child, and Jesus (A.S.) spoke even when he was in the cradle thus: “He said: Surely I am a servant of Allah; He has given me the Book and made me a prophet; and He has made me blessed wherever I may be, and He has enjoined on me prayer and zakat as long as I live and dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me insolent, unblessed” (Qur’an, 19:30-32).

Al-Zahra’ (A.S.) in no time had the mentality of a child, nor on the level of abilities, realizations or ambitions of a child. Ali spoke, and so did al-Zahra’, peace be upon both of them, at the time of their birth, and al-Zahra’ (A.S.) spoke to her mother before her birth. Narratives and history books, and others, of both parties, mentioned for us all of this and its likes in relevance to Ahl al-Bayt, peace be upon them. This proves that she and they were as such; may Allah shower them with His blessings and shower her Sha`as and those who love her till the Day of Judgment.

[1]Infallibility in prophets and wasis is fixed by reason because the station of prophethood and Imamate requires it. It is supported by narrations which may also explain its limits, scopes and other particulars.

As regarding the infallibility of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) it is fixed by accurate traditions of the Messenger of Allah (A) and by Qur’anic texts, and it is one of the necessities of the sect and of its fixed tenets. It goes without saying that infallibility cannot be known except from such traditions because the divine orders to do or not to do are not confined to deeds of the senses but transcend them to incorporate the heart, the self, the soul, and to coining the characteristics of a human being, his feelings, emotions such as courage, generosity, jealousy, love, hatred, belief, hypocrisy, intentions, and other things with which we cannot be familiar without traditions quoting the infallible person.