Origin of Casting Doubt About SALIM’s Book


There are two reasons why some people cast doubts about the book by SALIM ibn Qais:


FIRST: A statement made by Muhammed ibn (first caliph) Abu Bakr to his father as the latter was nearing his death:

It is recorded in SALIM’s book that SALIM met `Abd ar-Rahman ibn Ghunm who informed him what Mu`ath ibn Jabal, Salim slave of Aba Huthayfah and Aba `Ubaydah told him with regard to when their own demise would approach. They said that when they saw the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) and Ali (A.S.) at the time of their demise, each one of them informed the other of going to hell. Then SALIM met Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr who told him what Abu Bakr, too, told him shortly before his demise. Then Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr told him that `Abdullah ibn `Omer [ibn al-Khattab) had heard his father saying the same at the time of his death. He provided him with details of what went on between him and his father. These are very serious charges which cannot be taken seriously by a child two or three years old. Rather, someone with full awareness, understanding and knowledge of the affairs is needed to digest them. Then Muhammed informed SALIM that he visited the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) and informed him of what he had heard his father saying and what (`Abdullah) ibn `Omer said as he quoted his father. The Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him said, “Someone who is more truthful than these five individuals[1], someone more truthful than you and than the son of `Omer, had confided in him. (He [a] meant the Messenger of Allah (A.S.) who confided in Ali (A.S.) prior to his demise, or he was informed by the angel who spoke to the Imams, peace be upon them.

After the martyrdom of Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr in Egypt, SALIM met the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) and asked him about what Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr had said to him. He (A.S.) said to him, “Muhammed, may Allah be merciful to him, said the truth. By Allah, he is alive, receiving his sustenance.” Then he endorsed Muhammed’s statement that all his wasis are narrators of hadith.[2] As regarding the details of what went on between Muhammed (son of Abu Bakr) and his father at the time of the latter’s death, it is recorded in SALIM’s book[3]; so, whoever wishes may refer to it.

We would like to say the following in comment to all the above:

Shaikh al-Islam, `allama al-Majlisi, may Allah have mercy on him, the researcher-scholar and the genius renown man that he was, said the following:


“This narrative is one of the reasons for assaulting SALIM’s book because Muhammed (ibn Abu Bakr) was born during the year of Hijjatul-Wada’ (the Farewell Pilgrimage), as is well documented. So, his age at the time of his father’s death was two years and a few months. How could he, then, speak such words, and how could he remember such tales?! This may be the insertion of copyists or narrators. Or it may be said that this is one of the miracles of the Commander of the Faithful (A.S.) which he manifested to others. Some men of virtue have said that `Abdullah ibn `Omer admonished his father at the time of the latter’s death. The truth is that such an accusation cannot be directed at a book so well known to the traditionists, one upon which men in the caliber of al-Kulayni and al-Saduq and other ancient scholars reliable. Most of its contents are in agreement with what is narrated through authentic isnad in major reliable references. It is seldom that we find a book dealing with usal and which is free from such stuff.”[4]

Added to what `allama al-Majlisi states are the following points:


1. Shaikh Muhammed Baqir al-Zanjani has said, “Al-Saffar, al-Saduq, Shaikh al-Mufid, Ibrahim ibn Muhammed al-Thaqafi before them narrated the exact tradition ver batim through isnad to SALIM but through venues other than his book.”[5]


2. Segments of this tradition are narrated in other books such as Taqrab al-Ma`arif by the respected Faqih Shaikh Abul-Sal ah, Al-amali by the latter’s professor, Shaikh al-Mufid, in Al-K afiya fa Ibtal Tawbat al-Khati’a, also by al-Mufid, in Madanat al-Ma`ajiz by the revered `allama Sayyid Hashim al-Bahrani who quotes Ibn `Abbas and Ka`b al-Ahbar.[6]

The issue of Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr talking to his father at the time of his death is mentioned by the authority al-Tabari in his book titled Kamil Baha’i and by al-Ghazali in Sirr al-`alaman and by Ibn al-Jawzi in his Tathkirat al-Khawass.[7]

3. Remains to indicate is that what is stated about how old Muhammed ibn Abu Bakr was at that time is not the final argument here, for some have stated that he was about five years old when his father died, if he was born in 8 A.H. or four if he was born during Hijjatul-Wada`, 9 A.H., for that child could have been a genius.

`Allama al-Majlisi thinks that it could have been a miracle which Allah, Praise to Him, bestowed upon the Commander of the Faithful, peace be upon him.[8]

[1]These five individuals are: Mu`ath ibn Jabal, Salim slave of Aba Huthayfah, Aba `Ubaydah [ibn al-Jarrah], `Omer and Aba Bakr, and they are the ones who wrote down the covenant wherein they swore to expel Ali (A) from the position assigned to him by the Prophet (A) as ordered by the Almighty.

[2]Refer to the Introduction to Salam’s book by Shaikh Muhammed Baqir al-Ansari al-Khoeni, Vol. 1, pp. 187-88 and Vol. 2, pp. 816-824.

[3]Refer to the book by Salam ibn Qais, Vol. 2, pp. 821-23 edited by Shaikh Muhammed Baqir al-Ansari al-Khoeni.

[4]Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 30, pp. 133-34.

[5]Refer to Basa’ir al-Darajat, p. 372. `Ilal al-Shara’i`, Vol. 1, p. 182. Al-Ikhtisas, p. 324. Al-Kafiya fa Ibtal Tawbat al-Khati’a by Shaikh al-Mufid as quoted by al-Majlisi in his book Bihar al-Anwar (an old edition), Vol. 8, p. 199. Al-Thaqafi, Al-Gharat, Vol. 1, p. 326.

[6]Refer to the Introduction by al-Ansari al-Khoeni to the book of Salam ibn Qais, Vol. 1, pp. 191-92.

[7]Refer to the Introduction to Salam’s book by al-Ansari al-Khoeni, Vol. 1, p. 194 and in its footnote from Istiqsa’ al-Afham, Vol. 1, p. 514 and from Kashf al-Hujub, p. 445 and Tathkirat al-Khawass.

[8]Refer to the Introduction to Salam’s book, Vol. 1, pp. 91-196.