8. AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.) Did Not Remind Abu Bakr of What Took Place


The individual who seeks support for his statements from what KASHIFAL-GHITA’ says has raised the question as to why she did not remind Abu Bakr and `Omer of what took place, i.e. her being beaten and her miscarriage, when they both went to her to appease her. Here is our answer:


1. She also did not mention to them how Fadak was confiscated, nor how the caliphate was usurped, both issues the inquirer points to in his question, and he himself considers the confiscation of the caliphate as the greatest of all crimes.


2. Mentioning this issue to them had a purpose and a deterrent. Her objective at the time was not to mention such things to them. Rather, she wanted to establish the argument against them by extracting an admission from both of them regarding what they had heard her father (A.S.) say. She refused to speak to them before their making such an admission. Then she recorded the decisive and eternal situation by indicting them for all time to come. She did not at all give them any room to discuss one particular issue whatsoever. It was not a meeting of one blaming another, or for settling old accounts, or listing what they had committed against her, for that would have been to no avail at all. They would have apologized for it by saying that it was an oversight promulgated by the circumstances of irresponsible agitation and anger. So, she did not give them a chance to do that, and this is the zenith of her wisdom (A.S.).

For this reason, we find her (A.S.) contending with a general view of issues, refraining from providing details. She says to them, “O Allah! Bear witness that they have both harmed me..., etc.”