Where Were Ali’s Zeal and Manliness?
Someone is of the view that Ali (A.S.) sitting inside the house and letting his wife open the door contradict zeal and manliness. Can such a conduct come from Ali (A.S.)?! In answer, we say the following:
FIRST: There is no doubt that Ali (A.S.) is the Imam of the zealous, the man of manliness and of rushing to assist others. So are both al-Hasan and al-Husain (A.S.); they, like their father, are the Imams of the zealous. Al-Husain (A.S.) transported his women with him, including the wise lady Zainab (A.S.), to face the trials and tribulations, the hardships and calamities, because Allah, Glory is all His, willed to see them taken captive. They were taken from one country to another. Those who were near and those who were distant were looking at their faces, being in the hands of enemies who never hesitated to commit the most heinous of crimes such as killing the wasis of Prophets, slaughtering the children, and capturing the daughters born in houses where revelation descended. Since the human hari, namely Zainab (A.S.), told Ibn Ziyad once, “Whatever pleases Allah pleases us, too, we Ahl al-Bayt,” Ali (A.S.) was more apt to do likewise than his daughter; whatever pleased Allah, Glory to Him, pleased him, too. It goes without saying that the Imam and Commander of the Faithful Ali (A.S.) wanted this religion to continue strong and firm even if that would cost him his life, and he was always ready to tolerate all sorts of harm on this path. The response of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) to the assailants did not contradict zeal or manliness, nor was transporting Zainab and the women to Kerbala’ as captives.
SECOND: The Prophet (A.S.) used to ask some of his wives, as well as Umm Ayman, to respond to the door when someone knocked at it[1] when necessary. Had there been anyone more zealous than the Messenger of Allah (A.S.)?!
THIRD: The assailants are the ones who transgressed and violated the tenets of the faith, the zeal, the manliness and even the customs of the days of ignorance. As for Ali (A.S.) he did not do any of that. Rather, he carried out his responsibilities. So did al-Zahra’ (A.S.). The violators and the oppressors were the assailants. [1]Refer to al-Tibrisi, Al-Ihtijaj, Vol. 1, pp. 470-71. Kashf al-Yaqan, pp. 260-305. Al-Majlisi, Bihar al-Anwar, Vol. 32, pp. 39, 90, 267, 347 and Vol. 90 starting from p. 272 and Vol. 37, p. 313 and Vol. 38, pp. 35, 121, 122, 126, 152, 349, 356-57. Al-Tara’if, p. 72. Ibn al-Maghazli, Manaqib Ali; al-Rawandi, Al-Da`awat, p. 47. Mashariq Anwar al-Yaqan. Kashf al-GhUmma, Vol. 1, p. 91. Al-Khawarizmi, Manaqib, pp. 86-87. The biography of Imam Ali (A) in Tarikh Dimashq (edited by al-Mahmadi), Vol. 3, p. 164. Fara’id al-Simtayn, Vol. 1, p. 231. Kifayat al-Talib, p. 312. |