What if Fidda Responded to Them?

Even if Fidda had been the one to respond to their knocking at the door, the matter would not have been much different from what we have just stated. Her answer would not have acquainted the people with the truth of what those folks were hiding, the greed for power, the sure determination to usurp and confiscate right from its legitimate owner. They could have removed her from their path in a way which would not have played any role in clarifying the picture nor in knowing the truth. They could have, in a rude or unethical manner, accused her of confronting them.

Fidda did not enjoy the prominent status enjoyed by al-Zahra’ (A.S.), nor did the Prophet (A.S.) say about her that Allah is angered when she is angered. As for al-Zahra’ (A.S.), she is the woman who is infallible and purified according to the text of the Holy Qur’an, and she is the one for whom Allah is angry when she is angered and is pleased when she is pleased.

Had it not been for al-Zahra’ (A.S.) the religion’s characteristics would have been obliterated and the grudging and hypocritical, those who stood to attack this precious Islamic creed, would have achieved the most precious and the sweetest of their aspirations. Through her countable steps towards the door, al-Zahra’ (A.S.) safeguarded the right of Ali (A.S.) to caliphate and protected the Imamate, not only the caliphate, from those who would subject it to their iniquity and forgery. She also enabled people, including non-Muslims, be they her contemporaries or those who succeeded them, from discovering the truth.

Contemplating upon history provides us with the conclusion that every Imam has a major role to play in safeguarding the foundation of Islam to the extent that the religion would have really been lost had it not been for the announcement of the Imamate on the Ghadir day, and had it not been for Imam al-Hasan’s peace treaty, and had it not been for the martyrdom of Imam al-Husain, peace be upon both of them. There is no exaggeration if we say that had it not been for the stand to which al-Zahra’ (A.S.) was exposed, to the harm she received, to the beating and to the miscarriage..., Islam would have retained nothing except appearances, names, forms and empty rituals.