They Did Not Enter the House, So How Did They Beat AL-ZAHRA’ (A.S.)?!
Someone says that some narratives state that those who assailed the house of al-Zahra’ (A.S.) did not enter it; so, how can it be right for someone to say that they beat her (A.S.) and caused her to miscarry, etc.?!
Here is the answer:
FIRST: The trials and tribulations which al-Zahra’ (A.S.) had to undergo do not need an entering into her house. Al-Zahra’ (A.S.) could have been squeezed between the door and the wall, and the assailants could have hit her without entering the house. This is clearly what the texts discussing this issue indicate. This is so if by entering he means what is obvious. But if he explained by saying that he meant “assailing,” not “entering,” then the culprit himself had said, “How I wish I never had to unveil Fatima’s door!” Numerous texts indicate that they forcefully entered the house, refuting such a claim.
SECOND: Why should this person confine himself to the narrative saying that they did not open the house while she herself never said that they did not enter, contending herself with silence and with mentioning some of what went on. If we accept such a narrative, it is contradicted by numerous narratives enjoying a much better isnad and are more in number. They all say that the assailants forcefully entered her house, violating its sanctity and her privacy.
THIRD: Beating al-Zahra’ (A.S.) and causing her to miscarry is not an ordinary matter. It is a momentous event which cannot be accepted by any Muslim whose conviction is true, and he will be vocal in protesting against them and reprimanding them, only if there is no fear of the sword or the whip. It is surely not in the best interest of the rulers nor that of those who love them that the public circulates such an event, nor to know its details. Hence, they did not permit themselves nor others to transmit it or circulate it. Rather, we have seen how some people consider transmitting this issue as a crime whose transmitter is held accountable, and here we would like to transmit to you some proofs from the following: |