3. He Dropped the Incident of FATIMA (A.S.) Being Beaten!

They have said the following about the traditionist Ahmed ibn Muhammed ibn al-Surri ibn Yahya ibn Aba Darim: “He was a straightforward person most of his lifetime. During his last days, he used to be quoted most of the time narrating the infamies which he witnessed, and a man used to quote him saying that `Omer kicked Fatima (A.S.) till she miscarried al-Muhassan.”[1]

So, his being quoted saying so got him out of the path of straightforwardness which he upheld most of his life! This became a reason for his being attacked and chewed, and he eventually lost recognition.

[1]Mazan al-I`tidal, Vol. 1, p. 139. Lisan al-Mizan, Vol. 1, p. 268. Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’, Vol. 15, p. 578.