Mawkib Al-Ebaa موكب الاباء
Mawkib Al-Ebaa - A Movie showing the tragedy of
Sayeda Zainab (AS), Imam Ali ibn Al-Hussain (AS), and the children of
Imam Hussain (AS) after the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (AS)...The film is
very effective and is produced by Basil Al-Khateeb No Copyright! You are allowed to copy whatever you want from AlMujtaba.Com, AlMujtaba.Org, AlMujtaba.Net without restrictions. However, it would be kind of you, if you put the source of the information that you have copied above or below the information you have copied. جميع الحقوق غير محفوظة لشبكة المجتبى الاسلامية! و يمكنكم نسخ و نشر المعلومات الموجودة على هذه الصفحة و لا تنسونا من الدعاء |