AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Imam Hussain (AS)

Hussein’s a candle of light

By: Sayed Ali Al-Mousawi Al-Khalkhali

Hussein Hussein Ya Hussein
Hussein Hussein Ya Hussein


Hussein’s a candle of light,
Who glows both in day and night,
Guiding us all to the right,
To Kerbala we want to fly.


Hussein is the saviour,
He is sinless he’s the pure,
He will guide me he’s the cure,
I’ll knock always at your door.


You are Safinat un Najat,
You are Ihdin as Sirat,
You are so close to my heart,
From it you will never depart.


I will hold onto your rope,
For you are my only hope,
Without you I’ll never cope,
Guide me to the narrow road.


Let us board Hussein’s ship,
Let us head for the best trip,
Guaranteed, you’ll never slip,
Those left behind, will never win.


I’m ready to go through much pain,
Let them all call me insane,
As long as I’m with Hussein,
I’m following Allah’s Lane.


On the eve of Ashura,
The whole world is in Azaa’,
For a man who is so great,
For our master the Hussein.
