AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Abu Talib (AS)

Abu Talib

By: Sister Mardhiya

I am hoping that this poem will not just liven our souls, but also teach us a valuable lesson. In the words of Brother Ali Khalfan;


To claim that at the time of the prophetic mission there was not a single believer, is like shooting in the dark. The possibility that there were at least a few believers is more than the possibility that there were none because the prophet himself was a believer and during his orphanage he came under the umbrella of another believer ? Abu Talib!!!

Sun is hidden behind a thick curtain;
darkness engulfing the world is ascertain.
Slaves, weeping with pleas of mercy,
the barren land, in sight is hazy.
Wayfarers are robbed & brutally killed;
on the neverland, their blood is spilt.
No hand to grace an orphan's head;
a blow on their back is gifted instead.
But, with a warm hand and a gentle heart;
a man comes & pulls the curtain a part.
Shines brightly, the sun by his presence,
its light brings back to man his sense.
Its purity enlightens every dead soul;
in its house of mercy, every name he enrolls.
The brightness seen from a far sight,
for the light is Muhammad, light upon light !
The man with a gentle care and rank high,
who drifted away the clouds from the sky.
Abu Talib, is his blessed name;
to call him an unbeliever is a supreme shame...
In days of solitude, he stood aside,
helped Muhammad, and by his preachings did abide.
He supported him & guided him through,
Oh Abu Talib, May Allah reward you!
