In praise of 12 Imams
By: Maryam Mouzah
My heart is fine and
bright with the love of Haider (AS)
Next to Haider (AS),
al-Hasan (AS) is our Guide and Leader
The dust beneath the
Shoes of al-Hussein (AS)
is the eyeliner (surmah)
for my eyes.
Al-Abideen (AS), the
ornament of all devotees
is like a crown on my
al-Baqir (AS) is the
light of both my eyes
The religion of Ja'far
(AS) is true and the path of Musa (AS) is right
O, loyal, ones: listen
to me praising the King of Kings, al-Ridha (AS)
who is buried in
A particle from the dust
of his tomb is the cure of all pains
Leader of men of faith
is al-Taqi (AS), O dear Muslims
If you love al-Naqi (AS)
in preference to all other people,
you have done the thing
which is proper and right
al-Askari (AS) is the
light of the eyes of both Adam and the world
Where can be found, in
the world,
such a chief in command
like al-Mahdi (AS) |