Your beggar
By: Sister Mardhiya
I seek you O' Lord,
at every instance;
with your name,
my restless heart finds peace.
Yet; to me is known,
how ungrateful I've been.
You gave me care - which I hurriedly took,
never relecting back your love.
Whether I cry in the dunes of Sahara,
or whisper to You,
from the depth of the ocean;
You - always hear my unworthy claim;
and grant me what I barely deserve.
My Master - I am so enclosed in sins,
that I fear You will reject me.
Dust has inhibited my heart,
distanced me from You.
As I blow away the meshwork of Satan,
I am drowning in embarassment.
By Your ever so kindling Glory & Mercy,
allow me to knock at your Door once again. |