The Guide
By: Sayed Maher Kassem
be to Allah (SWT),
who needs not any praise,
and needs not any prayers,
and needs not any domain to exist,
and exists without existing in place,
and is in place without existing in place.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
who neither resembles nor is resembled,
and does not need resemblance,
and is never resembled,
and cannot be physically explained,
but is explained without explanation.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
who is the creator of the worlds,
and has created what is between,
yet he was not created nor was he begotten nor did he beget,
and guides whom he wills, and sends astray whom he wills,
and guides without guidance, and exists without guiding.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
the one who know all and sees all,
but not all knows or sees him,
and he sees what is not seen,
and knows what is not known,
and teaches what cannot be taught,
without being taught,
and knows the truth without truth,
and knows a lie without lying.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
that created Adam from Earth,
and created The Earth from Adam.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
the creator of the universal bodies,
and created the sun of the Universe Muhammad,
and the Sun from Fatima,
and the Moon from Ali,
and the Stars from Hassan and Hussein.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
that has made a group of the children of Ismail chiefs,
and made Quraish chiefs,
and made Bani Hashim chiefs of chiefs of cheifs,
and made Muhammad chief of all,
Yet he is the chief of Ismails chiefs, and the chief of Quraish's
and the chief of Muhammad,
All without being chief.
Praise be to Allah (SWT),
that has given man a tongue,
and knows a tongue,
yet has no tongue and needs no tongue,
yet speaks through different tongues,
and has assigned his tongue on earth,
all without having a tongue.
Praise be to him, my God, most merciful, most beneficient. |