AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Supplications and Dua


By: Muhammad Wajahat Ali Shaikh - Vengeance110

Which makes my heart cry,
And my eyes dry,
I ask myself why, why, why?

I am one disobedient,
With an ocean filled with sins,
But still my Lord says,
I will forgive,
If you truly repent…

After hearing this,
I started repenting to my Lord,
Asking Him for a razor sharp sword,
Or a poisonous venom,
With which I can kill my inner demon...

I say to my Lord,
You are Rehman,
Rahim, Malik O Qudoos!
Ghaffar O Qahaar O Wahaab!
Al-Ali, O Azeem,
O Merciful, O Beneficient!
Lover, Mother, Creator,
Yet again I ask You to forgive me,
Your sinful creation!

Lord replies smiling,
How can you even think of me as not forgiving?
I am your Mother, Creator and Caregiver,
Go; I grant you a new life,
Thus that you may be pure of sins yet again!

I say to my Lord,
Lord thank You,
You have proven that You surely are forgiving,
A Mother, Lover and Caregiver...
