AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > General


 By: Sister Fiddha

I cant sleep Maula
Is it my sins
Or those of the ummah
That keep me awake?

How to reason
With people who deny
The very foundation
Of Muhammad's message
What words to utter
In horror of it?

How can the heart cry for
A trivial pain
But find no tears to spare
For the thirsty martyr?

Ali's right was denied
And the world thinks we are misguided
Why have people let go of Thy Cord
My Beloved
Leaving us all mourning and bewailing
Their crimes.

Eleven lights of
The twelfth hidden
From our undeserving eyes.
When will we wake up?

The day of ashura
When we cry
"Oh Muhammad
Hussain has been killed!" ?

Or when leaving our houses
We are confronted with Hur's Dilemma
And falter?

Would that I knew the words
To wail unto you?
My heart burns with the
Agony of not knowing what
Way to console you
O son of
With tears?
My life?

I covet everything but you
And still you enfold me in your protection
Shunning me from the fire.
Since the day I proudly recited
Aliyun Waliyullah ?
Or was it when I shed my first tear for Hussain?

How can the bewailers moan ?
In what way !!
Dua Nudba?
It is not enough!-
To still the peturbed hearts
And worried brows
Of those who wrestle
With their conscience.
O Son of Ahmad !
Save me
From my sins and theirs.
