AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > General

Peace-Loving Friend, A True Muslim

By Seraj Ali.

Why do you stare at me like so
When I’m a peace-loving friend, not a foe.
I declare that there is no god but He
And contemplate the wonders of creation that I see.
I pray to God, day, evening and night
That we can all come together, as one, unite.
I fast to feel the hunger and thirst
Of my fellow humans, who care for I must.
I give in charity a proportion of my wealth
To rid the greed that weighs down on my health.
I perform the great pilgrimage and ask for pardon
For all of mankind and ask for His garden.
So tell me young man, why is it so
That you stare at me like I’m but a foe?
I mean you no harm only wish you the best
For I’m ever conscious that life is a test.
Confuse me not for the terrorists you see
I am your peace-loving neighbour, a true Muslim, that’s me.
