AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Marriage

Ali (as) and Fatima (sa)

 By: Sister Fiddha

Your beautiful forms united in marriage
And your hearts praised Allah as you gazed at each other
No passion
Just pure longing for Your Lord
Together bringing each other closer
To the goal of Your desires.

They killed you
And massacred your family
Your pure blood spilled in Kerbala
The belated wedding gift of the Ummah

Your sweet faces
Etched in our hearts
Though we have never seen you
Our hearts are inclined towards you both
And as lovers gaze at each other
Thoughts of Ali and Zahra appear in our hearts
Pure bliss
Opressed and tainted by the vultures that
Surrounded you
waiting for The Prophet saw to go
So they could attack.

Ali and Zahra
Our two precious jewels
A light suffocated by the hands of the tyrants
What eye remains dry when seeing two lovers sigh in happiness
The thoughts of your misery comes in my mind.

Paradise is your bed
The Prophet of God your priest
Allah swt your witness
And we the congregation gathered in paradise
To partake in the joy which you were denied on earth.
