AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Women Issues


By Aneela Sultan.

Who do we long to be, some woman modelling a Bikini?  Would this give us a life of humility? 

Would our minds feel at peace with all the ogleing of the beasts, who through this perversion think of perverted things as feasts?

Is it right to just call the one who stares the pervert or the freak?  Or would it be correct to call the one who provides the perversion through her perverted mind also a freak? 

Is she not also to blame as through her enticement the man becomes lame?

What is it that our women in Hijaab reflect?

Is it wisdom, hayaa and piety something the others neglect?

What is this hayaa, and modesty, which nature has prescribed?  Is it to act impurely in order to be defined?

No no, its all about the covering, the covering prescribed,

A woman who has some decency and covers up is the one defined.

She stands out like a glowing light amongst the sordid eyes, who turn away from its NUR. 

Oh why, Oh why oh why?

It is because Islam is her way, which is shunned and not understood.

It is the way, which gives her love, a love, which comes from Allah, the maker of Heavens above.

So next time my sisters when your outdoors and you see them laugh, just remember, Allah laughs at them and protects you from His wrath.

You will not find a man who loves Allah, to speak against Hijaab, because he knows if he did, it would show hate of Allah’s law and favouring what is bad.

It is the Hijaab, which also provides the means to distinguish what is good, by this I mean the man who hates it and loves the indecent, is not part of the brother hood.

So give respect to yourselves my dear sisters for keeping up this stand, as you provide the route to distinguish all the correct hands.

Is it not true that one who mocks is one who shows no rule, for his mode provides the mu’mina with intelligence, the fool.

Please every mu’mina think of Bibi Zahra, think of Bibi Zainab and Bibi Sakina.

What great role they played for us, when living in their lands.

They gave their all for Islam, Islam their only GOAL!

Bibi Zainab lost her Hijaab, when tyrants pulled at it, but never did she fall! 

Do not forget that there are those who wish to do the same, the same pulling, the same abuse, because they have no shame.

So please do NOT forget her stand, a stand we all must keep.

Because at the end of the day we are MU’MINA’S, it is for ISLAM we weep!
