AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Sayeda Zainab (AS)

Zainab in the court of cursed Yazid

By: Sister Mardhiya

Vision of a second Zahra,
standing in the court of Yazid,
where all eyes glared at her.
She watched them laugh,
as their accursed leader,
disrespected her beloved brother's head,
with the pointed cane.
With her every strength,
she sheltered her niece,
knowing that they wouldn't spare Sakina,
as she innocently cried.
Along with her hands,
they had chained her emotions,
forbidding her to ever remember Hussain.
Ah ... Zainab; a single soul,
comforting & guarding all the widows.
To whom can she display her tears,
facing which direction, can she cry?
Like her mother, Zahra;
she stood against the enemy of God,
speaking with the eloquence of her father.
Her brilliant speech in Yazid's court,
left behind guilt on the enemies evil faces,
with their conscience pricking them.
Kufans, had now realised who the enslaved women were,
and who's head laid on the spear.
They now recollected the scene,
of how they clapped their hands,
when the oppressor's whipped Abid.
At once, they pictured Muhammad,
standing alongside Zainab,
as she called upon her grandfather.
Zainab; with her injured hands,
where, the marks of pelted stones laid,
unveiled the mask from Yazid's face.
The world, till the Judgement day,
shall forever curse Yazid.

Salutations be unto you, O' Zainab Binte Ali!
