AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Sayeda Zainab (AS)

Zainab's Promise

By: Sahar Hussain

The dawn unveils a hidden eminence,
its radiance encompassing the lone commander,
as he steadily marches ahead.


Did you see them slaughter the son of Batool

By: Sayed Ali Al-Mousawi Al-Khalkhali

Zaynab says, Zaynab says, Ya rasoolallah, Ya rasoolallah,
Did you see how they treated your grandson,
Did you see what happened when you had gone,


Zainab is Zainab

By: Sister Mardhiya

To the clouded sky has come;
a brilliant star,
a sun, which were dropped on Zahra's lap.


Sweet Zainab

By: Sister Mardhiya

Many a felicitations . . . for today has come,
Zainab - the beauty of her father.

A pleasant look on Ali's face;
as he held his daughter.


Farewell My Zainab!

By: Sister Mardhiya

Farewell . . . Farewell;
My Zainab, God be with you!
Tonight is my final call;
O' most beloved sister!


Zainab in the court of cursed Yazid

By: Sister Mardhiya

Vision of a second Zahra,
standing in the court of Yazid,
where all eyes glared at her.


My Lady

By: Sister Fiddha

You never saw freedom
My Lady
You never escaped from the prison
My Lady


Zainab - a tribute

By: Sister Fiddha

The night of the ninth night,
Was your protection,
It enfolded you,



By: Sister Fiddha

Did you see
the role you would have in history?
Did you know the reverence that would be shown to your memory?
Did you smile when you witnessed us talk so lovingly about
you ?


A Silent Wound 

By: Sister Fiddha

Alone in your house
Your husband busy
The silence is suffocating you
Be patient zainab-
Yours is to be a slow suffocation


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