We send our condolences to our
twelfth Imam and the living Hujjah (Divine Proof), Imam Al-Mahdi (AS), our righteous
scholars and Ulama, and to the world on the martyrdom anniversary of the
only daughter of prophet Muhammed (P), The Mistress of all women from the
beginning to the end, the wife of Imam Ali (AS), the mother of the Imams
(AS), the proof of Allah upon His creatures, the infallible, the chaste, the
honest, the blessed one, the virtuous, the gratified one, the one who
well-pleases Allah, and the mother of her father,
Sayeda Fatimah Al-Zahra (AS)
who was
martyred according to a narration on 13 Rabi Al-Thani 11 A.H. (632 A.D), and
according to another narration on 13
Jamadi Al-Awwal 11 A.H. (632 A.D), and according a third
narration on 3, Jamadi Al-Thani 11 A.H. (632