AlMujtaba Islamic Poetry > Sayeda Sakina (AS)

Where is Sakina?

By: Sahar Hussain

Visualize a cold cellar,
where the only luminance,
is the broken stream of sunlight,
crossing the narrow cleft in the wall.



By: Brother Turab

We do have this in-no-cent child
She is hurt can ba-re-ly smile
She is in pain and she suf-fers
Yes life for her now gets tougher
She is sa-ki-na ou-r love


Cry of Sakina

By: Sister Mardhiya

In the loneliness of the night;
when the stars take cover,
deep in the lap of a neverland;
lies a little girl,


Lonely evening at dungeon

By: Sister Mardhiya

In the heart of a humid dungeon,
where the darkness haunts the soul,
lied a little girl,
called Sakina.


Sakina (as)

By: Sister Fiddha

The vision of your sweet hands
Clinging to Zuljenah
Haunt your father in heaven.


Pages:  1