AlMujtaba Islamic Articles > Converts/Reverts

Sr. Khadija Story

Bismillah hir Rahman nir Rahim 

ShukranLillah that I have been able to become a Muslim after so many years of searching for the Truth. I am even more grateful to Allah swt for having me learn about the Ahlul Bait a.s. so that I could become a Shi'i and come to the Oriiginal Islam.

I was born Muslim (submissive to Allah swt), as everyone is because Allah swt has placed submission to Him within our human nature. I was raised by my adopted family as a Christian. As a young child I went to church every Sunday with my parents and went to Sunday school. After my parents got divorced my mother and i stopped going to the church since they treated us poorly because of my parents' failed marriage.

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Out of the Darkness

Brother Paul

I was raised Christian (Protestant) from birth and went to church on a regular basis with my grandmother, my mother is not religious, and my father was not around at all. It was that way until I was about 8 years old, then my mother informed me that I didn’t have to go to church anymore if I didn’t want to…man, did that sound good as an 8-year-old, no more church! That meant sleeping in and being able to play with my friends all day without any interruptions.

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(The Holy Qur’an 2-257)

The story of a convert.

“In the Name of ALLAH, the Beneficent, the Merciful”

The Darkness:

The aeroplane had not yet left the ground and I felt a pounding in my chest, I have flown on planes many times, so I knew it was not fear of flying. I had just finished visiting some people that I knew and I was rather full of anxiousness, looking forward to going home after a rather strange, bizarre and uncomfortable visit. I told myself the things that I had seen on this trip I must put behind me and forget. When I finally got to my seat my heart was overcome with grief, a kind of grief that I had never experienced before. I was lucky I was seated alone so I took a blanket, covered myself, laid down and cried bitterly and painfully for the entire 5 hour flight home. Little did I know that flight home would forever change my existence. The Prophet Muhammad (saww) said: “ALLAH the Almighty loves any grieving heart”. (Al-Seyed Nasih al-Din/ Mishkat ul-Anwar fi Ghurar il-Akhbar 1646.)

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Search for Truth: The Truth Found

In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful

I was born of staunch Catholic Christian parents. My father was a preacher who knew the Bible almost by heart my mother, an orthodox Catholic, would only give us the morning coffee after her return from Church.

Even from my youngest days, I was made to memorize certain verses from the Bible.

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Fast growing Islam
Winning converts in the western world

CAIRO (CNN) -- In the port city of Suez -- and across the Islamic world -- they are celebrating the Hajj, the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca.

"This is a joyous day and the best day in the life of a man," said pilgrim Husein Suleiman Husein. "It is as if I am being born anew."

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Daughters of Another Path
Experiences of American Women Choosing Islam by Carol L. Anway

"Mom, I've converted to Islam," Jodi told her mother Carol. Those were words that Carol dreaded to hear; she felt forsaken by her daughter, and she plunged into such grief that she cried most of the night. The next few years were difficult; it was a time of adjustment for the whole family. Finally, Carol felt strong enough to write about what had happened, and she wanted to know how other American families had dealt with their daughter accepting Islam, and what factors had influenced the daughter to accept Islam. She sent out questionnaires to the daughters and the parents. The responses she received, melded with her own story, form the basis for this book. There is a wide variety of backgrounds represented in "Daughters of Another Path," by Carol L. Anway. Some of the daughters came from strict Christian backgrounds. Others' families were Christian in name only, while some had no religious influence from their parents and developed their own spiritual leanings. In some cases the parents were accepting and tolerant of their daughter's decision, while other families turned away from their daughter, feeling angry and betrayed. Most families fell somewhere in between these extremes.

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My Story

Assalamu Alaykum;

My name is Zahida. It wasn't always my name, but I changed it because I've changed myself. I've been Muslim for a few years, Al-humdulillah I am married and have two children. I was born in America and raised in Illinois. My nationality is half-Czech on my father's side and Italian, English, and Irish from my mother's. As for my childhood, there wasn't much of it; my parents were divorced when I was young. Later, I was sent to live with relatives. My life was far from a happy one, (Al-humdulillah). I say Al-humdulillah for Allah knows what's best for me. Perhaps my hardships helped me appreciate what I have and better understand others.

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Iran Armenian actress Mahaya converts to Islam

LONDON, October 24 (IranMania) - The well-known Armenian actress of Iranian origin, Mahaya Petrossian converted to Islam and Shiite sect last week.

According to the Sunday issue of the Persian morning daily of Tosse'e quoting Khurshid website, she converted to Islam following her marriage to a Muslim young man.

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Reality: Returning Back to the Truth

Caught between a world of enjoyment and acceptance and a world of truth and reality, I found myself booking a flight to Italy. I had to get away from it all. I was a bar tender in a popular Italian cafe and spent my weekends singing shows with my band. On the outside I was your typical Italian girl, just trying to have a good time, but on the inside, I was dying. I couldn’t live this life any longer. I couldn’t just serve drinks all day and sing all night, and then come home and try to do five prayers all at once with the right state of mind. And people had begun to notice the change. I no longer wore my hair down and my usual dramatic makeup had faded significantly. Some people thought I was depressed, others just pointed at that Muslim guy, Mohammed whom I’d been seeing. But my mother was the most disturbed of all. Why don’t you sing like you used to she’d ask. I’d tell her, I don’t know mom, it just doesn’t feel the same as it used to. I feel differently now.

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In Search of God… My Story… 

 Sister Melanie Czekaj

We are all born with a free spirit (God given free will over mankind).   And with the free spirited attitude that I have, I chose to go about my conversion to the path of I in an unusual way.  I chose not to let my struggles with the non-Muslim community, in which I live, affect me.  This is because of my confidence in the tradition that the Prophet Mohammad advises us:   If one does what the creator loves, than the creation will love it, although they disliked it; however, if one gives into the creation and what they love, while the creator disliked it, eventually the creation would dislike it.

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Memoirs of my journey to the World of Shi'i Islam


By Sister Janaan Da’wah



Bismillah hir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the most Merciful


I’m a female convert to Islam and I believe I was always a Muslim, I only needed to find my path. I was born, after all, with ‘fitrah’ (innate nature) and so it was natural for me to eventually find Islam if I could see the light of truth, which I did.

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Sister Gwana (Ajibola)

The sister I have come to know as Sister AlSabira asked me to write about how I came be Muslim. Mashaa Allah, the truth is that this story started before I was born, when my mother ask Allah (whom she called God) for a child and dedicated the child’s life to His service.

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Sister Buthaynia

My name is Buthaynia, and I have been a Muslim now for five years. I was once a Christian. When I say Christian I mean I was one of those who had a ministry which I would go to the women's prision once a month. I also taught a Sunday school class and I used to be in the choir, and secretary in a women's group. Ok getting the picture now?

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Sister Fattoum

Then in 1990, in Montreal, I enrolled my son to the Muslim School. This was the first time I had encountered with shia Muslims. One day, this Iraqi lady told me while we were waiting to pick up our kids: "Komeini is good!". To hear from her, whose country had a long war with Iran, made me think; because, all I have heard about Sayed Khomeini, rahmatullALLAHu aleyhi, was having picked up up sunni Muslims with excavators and drop them to the ground! -estaghfiruLLAH!

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Sister Vickey

It was almost a year ago I said, "Ash-Hadu Anla Elaha Illa-Allah Wa Ash-Hadu Anna Mohammadan Rasul-Allah", (There is no God worhty of worship but Allah and Mohammed is His messenger.) the words that forever changed my life. The time from me learning about Islam and becoming a Salafi, to the time of me finding the REAL Islam, the REAL Ahluls Sunnah, the path of the Shi'ite Ahlul Bayt was marked with great confusion, but also great learning, as well as growth.

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Sister ShiaRose

I was around muslims since I was a teenager, yet I wasnt informed about Islam because all I seen was "muslims" I had ignorance in my heart as I generalized about all the muslims I wasnt at that point in time willing to see the truth I guess one could say I was "deaf dumb and blind"I refused to see the truth and For many years as I played follow the leader with my friends I teased the muslim wiomen calling them opressed and basically not in controll of their own mind when in fact it was nme that wasnt thinking with my own mind I was following my friends.

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Sister Tears_4_Zahraa

My name is Emina and I was born in a country that was known as Yugoslavia at the time. The communism had made people forget all about religion, and true Islam was nowhere to be found. People were adoring and praising this communist dictator who died before I was even born. I saw something wrong with this even at a tender age of six. I was six years old when I went to the masjid for the first time. Neither my mother or father told me to go , but they didn't prevent me from going either.

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Brother Shiaboy4eva

Growing up as a child in, I was not interested in religion. I would not even pray; and my parents would always force me to do so, but I would rebel against because I felt as though they were taking away my freedom rights from me, for Allah, the most High, says in His Glorious Book, "There is no compulsion in religion." (Holy Quraan 2:256)

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Sister Waheeda

I had been a Christian for 38 years. When I was young, as everyone, I learned about the Christian, Jesus & God. But as I got older, I started to ask questions, but I never got an answer. So for many years I just stopped going to church.

Then in 1998 I got breast cancer. I was up set, scared & mad. The one question I kept asking was, why me? I went through chemo, and time when on. Then the worst thing happened to me, something that is hard for any parent. My middle daughter , her boy friend & his sister got murdered, July 15, 1999. I wanted to die. She left a six month old son behind. This murder was so bad. My daughter & the other two young people was at home, in bed, & they got murdered. I had such a hard time with this. Why would God let this happen. I was the one preparing to die from the cancer.

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